burial insurance for seniors from Royal Neighbors of America

Not every life insurance company operates the same, and the Royal Neighbors of America is a prime example of that. Rather than just focusing on the needs of their policyholders, this insurer also considers the needs of the family and their community as well.

When women or children were unable to get life insurance over a century ago, Royal Neighbors of America was one of the pioneers who worked to change that. Today, with their commitment to women in children in the forefront, this insurer is one of the few in America that is run primarily by women.

Royal Neighbors of America operates as a fraternal organization and is in business to support the needs of their members rather than Wall Street. As a non-profit, the company does not offer insurance products in order to deliver profits to stockholders; they provide insurance products to their members to help with financial protection and to become a part of the betterment of their members’ communities.

Financial Stability


While maintaining a conservative operations attitude, Royal Neighbors enjoys an “A-  Excellent” rating from A.M. Best rating services. This rating represents that Royal Neighbors will have the ability to meet claim demands and meet the operating obligations of the company.

Royal Neighbors operates on a solid financial foundation and currently has a surplus of over $203 million. Their premium to surplus ratio of 21% is over double the surplus ratio of for-profit insurance companies that are publicly owned. They also enjoy a solvency ratio of 1.26, considerably higher than the industry average.

Royal Neighbors of America Insurance Products

burial insurance for seniors from Royal Neighbors of America

Royal Neighbors understands that individuals and families in America have different financial needs and that those needs can easily change over a lifetime. For this reason, the company offers several life insurance products that their members can rely on.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole Life is for consumers who prefer insurance coverage that will last a lifetime and offers guarantees in its coverage and premiums. With Whole Life Insurance, policyholders can depend on lifetime coverage as long as premiums are paid. Level benefits that cannot be changed by the insurer because of health or age, and a cash value account that earns a guaranteed interest rate stated in the policy.

Youth Whole Life

The Youth Whole Life policy was designed with parents and grandparents in mind. This product allows parents and grandparents to purchase whole life insurance on their children and grandchildren at the lowest rates possible. These policies offer the same benefits as traditional Whole Life and ownership can be transferred to the child or grandchild at the appropriate age.

Universal Life

Universal Life (UL) is permanent insurance that has lower rates like term insurance but has a cash value component that earns a guaranteed minimum interest rate from the insurer. Most insurers will pay a higher interest rate if the company’s investments outperform their expectations.

Flexibility in this insurance product is what motivates consumers to purchase it above other life insurance products. Since life events can change the insurance needs of the policyholder, UL insurance has the flexibility in premium payments and face amounts to adapt to the needs of the insured.

Single Premium Whole Life

The single premium whole life product was designed for consumers who wish to purchase whole life insurance with a lump-sum payment and then have coverage for a lifetime. Since the consumer is purchasing their life insurance at a considerable discount, the death benefit will be substantially more than the lump-sum payment for coverage.

Simplified Issue Whole Life (SIWL)

The SIWL policy is typically used as Final Expense or Burial Insurance for seniors. Since coverage can be purchased in face amounts as low as $5,000, this policy delivers the perfect solution for seniors who are looking to cover funeral or cremation costs.

The SIWL is particularly popular with seniors since the company will accept applicants up to 85-years old and no medical exam or urine/blood test is required by the underwriter. In most cases, the company can issue the insurance policy in a matter of days rather than weeks or months.

Since SIWL is whole life insurance, policyholders will enjoy the same benefits and guarantees that are provided by traditional whole life insurance.

Term Insurance

Royal Neighbors of America understands than many consumers need to able a large amount of insurance at affordable rates to cover significant debt and replace lost income. Term insurance delivers this solution and can be purchased in policy terms of 10, 15, 20, or 30 years.

In most cases, the term insurance can be converted to a permanent insurance product without proof of insurability. This allows the policyholder to adapt to the needs of adults when they enter into middle age and typically need less insurance coverage but prefer permanent coverage.


Rates for Burial Insurance for Seniors from Royal Neighbors


Below are actual insurance rates for a $10,000 burial insurance policy from Royal Neighbors.





























If you noticed that insurance rates for females are lower than the rates for males, it is because females typically live longer than males, which gives the insurance company more time to collect premiums.

What if I’m Declined?


If you are denied coverage because of health issues, Royal Neighbors of America offers a “guaranteed issue” life insurance policy that does not take your health issues into consideration for issuing a policy. Although you will pay more for your life insurance, you will have the peace of mind knowing that your surviving loved ones will have the death proceeds to pay for your final expenses.

Below are actual insurance rates for a $10,000 Guaranteed Issue Burial Insurance policy from Royal Neighbors.
























85 $221.85


It’s important to note that graded benefit life insurance is more expensive than traditional level benefit life insurance and will typically have a waiting period when the death benefit is reduced when a death is the result of natural causes.


We Help You Compare and Save!
For more information about burial insurance for seniors and to get a free and confidential quote, call the professionals at Life Policy Shopper at (540) 226-8715 during normal business hours, or contact our office through our website at your convenience.


Terry Biddle is a business owner, blogger, retired Army National Guard officer and a current federal employee. He works with seniors, federal employees, and members of the military to get the most life insurance benefits at the greatest value across the full spectrum of term and permanent products from fully underwritten to no-exam and guaranteed issue. Please feel free to contact me here.



Last Updated on March 31, 2020 by lifepolicyshopper