Burial Insurance with Sickle Cell Anemia

Everyday families are faced with the difficult task of saying goodbye to loved ones. Did you know that according to the National Funeral Directors’ Association - as of January 2013 the national median cost of an adult funeral with vault costs $8,343.00 with additional expenses? Additional expenses can include a cemetery plot. Many funerals exceed $10,000.00 dollars and that’s before any outstanding debts or medical bills.

Planning your funeral requires a careful consideration of all your final needs. Consider how you want to be remembered, where your final resting place should be, whether you wish to be buried or cremated and what type of casket or urn you prefer. A funeral director will give you a list of the services and products that it provides. The value of your final expense life insurance policy should cover the expense of the package you choose, plus any additional costs.

Qualify for 1st Day Benefits with Sickle Cell Anemia

The most basic, economical option is generally an immediate burial plan. An immediate plan may include a modest service at the graveside and a simple casket. The expense of a viewing is not included in most immediate burial policies. The costs of the plot, a headstone and flowers must be paid for separately and should be included in the estimate of your final expense.

A traditional full service option, including a viewing, a hearse, a formal ceremony and entombment and cremation is more costly than an immediate or direct package. When you consider the costs of a package, you must take every extra expense into account in order to arrive at an accurate estimate of your financial expenses.

Seniors looking for Burial Insurance with Sickle Cell Anemia or a whole life burial plan often have medical impairments and conditions that may raise the cost of these benefits. We keep track of these medical impairments and conditions and contract with several carriers so we can find the most benefits for the amount of money that you spend.

We track how to place the most difficult cases to make sure we can find first day coverage at the best price possible. We make sure that we are getting seniors the most death benefit for the dollar spent. We know that most of the people we help are on fixed incomes and every dollar counts. That’s why it’s very important that you let us make sure that you have one of the best plans offered in your state that you qualify for.


Sickle cell anemia is a hereditary, chronic anemia in which abnormal sickle-or crescent-shaped red blood cells are present. These abnormally shaped red blood cells tend to clump together within capillaries, impairing circulation, damaging blood vessels, and producing chronic organ damage. The incidence of sickle cell anemia is highest among those of African decent and, to a lesser extent, those of Mediterranean or Middle Eastern ancestry and aboriginal tribes in India. It affects millions of people worldwide.


All individuals with sickle cell anemia are anemic. Signs and symptoms characteristic of sickle cell anemia are episodic attacks of intense pain (pain crises) in the arms, legs, or abdomen. The white of the eye, or sclera, is jaundiced. Recurrent bouts of fever, chronic fatigue, dyspnea, tachycardia, cardiac murmurs, and pallor may be additional manifestations of the disease. Infections, stress, and extremes in temperature may trigger the painful crisis.


Treatment of sickle cell anemia is symptomatic and typically involves the prescription of analgesics and the maintenance of adequate hydration. Bone marrow transplantation may be curative, but it is available for only a small number of people because of severe organ damage or lack of an available compatible donor. Hydroxiyurea, a chemotherapy agent, is used with some success, but the side effects are highly variable. Chronic transfusions may be ordered and are useful in decreasing the severity of the disease.

We commonly see clients that take Exjade that helps remove iron from the blood due to the high number of blood transfusions. This medication does not affect the underwriting and we are able to get 1st day coverage at a level rate in most cases.

If you or a loved one are struggling with sickle cell anemia and have not found burial insurance at a fair rate, use our world class online quote engine and begin your online research today.

These programs have the following guarantees

1. First Day Coverage. You are fully protected the very first day your coverage goes into effect with no exclusions and no waiting period.
2. Ease of issue. No physical exams.
3. Your premiums will never go up. Lock into a rate at your current age and the cost will never increase regardless of changes to your health and age.
4. You benefits will never go down. Regardless of changes to your health and age.
5. All programs build cash values.
6. The benefit is paid to your beneficiary tax free on the worst week of their life.
7. Your policy can never be cancelled as long as premium payments are made.
8. This is a protected asset that you will never be forced to liquidate.

Program Guarantees

Seniors looking for a state regulated final expense life insurance policy or a whole life burial plan often have medical impairments and conditions that may raise the cost of these benefits. We keep track of these medical impairments and conditions and contract with several carriers so we can find the most benefits for the amount of money that you spend. Here we will review what we might see as we field underwrite your medical conditions. We can help you find first day coverage at the best rate that you qualify for.

3 Top Reasons why folks use these programs

1. Because they do not have a DEDICATED amount for their funeral or final expenses

2. Because they’ve recently checked the pricing on what they currently have in place.  They want to see if they can find more benefits than what they currently have. 

3. Because they want to leave behind a legacy.  Income for a surving spouse, money for grandkids, or to charity (Cancer Society, Church, etc)

Last Updated on August 11, 2017 by lifepolicyshopper