Final Expense Life Insurance in Virginia

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You may qualify for Final Expense Life Insurance in Virginia to pay for your final expenses. At Virginia Senior Benefits and Family Care; we have the right lineup of carriers to cover any medical impairment or condition an individual might have. It is important you know how to qualify for this life insurance benefit available to you.

This benefit will pay for 100% of all funeral expenses up to $35,000. This payment is tax free for Virginia residents.

These programs have the following guarantees

1. First Day Coverage. You are fully protected the very first day your coverage goes into effect with no exclusions and no waiting period.
2. Ease of issue. No physical exams.
3. Your premiums will never go up. Lock into a rate at your current age and the cost will never increase regardless of changes to your health and age.
4. Your benefits will never go down. Regardless of changes to your health and age.
5. All programs build cash values.
6. The benefit is paid to your beneficiary tax free on the worst week of their life.
7. Your policy can never be cancelled as long as premium payments are made.
8. This is a protected asset that you will never be forced to liquidate.

Program Guarantees

Seniors looking for a state regulated final expense life insurance policy or a whole life burial plan often have medical impairments and conditions that may raise the cost of these benefits. We keep track of these medical impairments and conditions and contract with several carriers so we can find the most benefits for the amount of money that you spend. Here we will review what we might see as we field underwrite medical conditions. Even if you have been declined, it's very likely we will help you find first day coverage at a preferred rate.

3 Top Reasons why folks use these programs

1. Because they do not have a DEDICATED amount for their funeral or final expenses

2. Because they’ve recently checked the pricing on what they currently have in place.  They want to see if they can find more benefits than what they currently have.

3. Because they want to leave behind a legacy.  Income for a surving spouse, money for grandkids, or to charity (Cancer Society, Church, etc)

It's our job to monitor the best way to place the most difficult cases to make sure we can find first day coverage at the best price possible. We make sure that we are getting seniors the most death benefit for the dollar spent. We know that most of the people we help are on fixed incomes and every dollar counts. That’s why it very important that you let us make sure you have one of the best plans offered in the Commonwealth of Virginia that you qualify for.

It’s important you know how to qualify for this Final Expense Life Insurance in Virginia.

We will now review the companies that we work with here to provide Final Expense Life Insurance in the Commonwealth of Virginia. In order to give us the diversification necessary to place any medical condition we might encounter at the best price. We think there is no reason to go without coverage for your family when you’re undergoing treatment for any type of medical condition. And there’s absolutely no reason for you to pay for a guaranteed issue plan that has a two year wait or return of premiums only when you have a chance to qualify for first day coverage.

Unfortunately, we see that all to often at Virginia Senior Benefits and Family Care - seniors placed on expensive plans, when if agents take the time and contract with the right companies – qualifying for the right Final Expense Life Insurance in Virginia should be a breeze. If you are not on a first day coverage plan please fill out the quote tool and research what a plan with first day coverage will cost.

Here are the Carriers that we work with here in Virginia to ensure we find the the most death benefits that you qualify for.

Family Benefit Life

FBL Logo

In the Commonwealth of Virginia, Family Benefit Life is my lead Company. They have an easy application, a short point of sale telephone interview with a point of sale approval. That way the applicant knows he or she is approved on the spot in most cases.

Oxford Life

Oxford Logo

Oxford Life is a great company to use for healthier applicants when they are looking to get the best value possible.

Settlers Life

Settlers Logo

Life is a great company to employ for young kids using the 10 year pay plan. It’s a great value. Plus Settlers has an included child rider that covers a onetime death benefit for a descendent of that child. So you’re not only buying coverage for your child, but also a onetime death benefit protection for their descendents under the age of 18.

Security National Life

SNL Logo

Security National Life does not have a point of sale interview, just an easy 4 page application. Security National in Virginia has a monthly increasing benefit plan that can be used for all ages and for any medical condition. It has a 3/5/10 year pay plan up to $10,000. Once it’s paid up – no more payments. This is a very good plan for those with current cancer or other serious medical conditions.

Transamerica Premier Life

Trans Logo

Transamerica Premier Life is a great company to have access to for and independent life insurance agent providing Final Expense Life Insurance in Virginia. Their product serves all ages from 0 through the age of 85. There’s no telephone interview, just a fairly lengthy application.

Liberty Bankers Life

LBL Logo

Liberty Bankers Life is a great company to have access to for and independent life insurance agent providing Final Expense Life Insurance in Virginia. They have a 100% over the phone application.

Gerber Life

Gerber Life

If we have to place someone with a guaranteed issue plan, it’s Gerber for the best price when providing Final Expense Life Insurance in Virginia. They take all forms of payment and they provide a 24 month return of premium plus 10 percent plan.

Final Expense Life Insurance in Virginia

Although these are not the only companies we have at Virginia Senior Benefits and Family Care, these are the companies we lead with to find seniors Final Expense Life Insurance in Virginia with the greatest value.

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Last Updated on January 1, 2018 by lifepolicyshopper