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In most cases we will find you 1st day coverage. If you have been declined for life insurance or have a 2 year return of premium plan - we want to assess your situation to ensure you are getting the most benefits for your money.

Let's review the [Top 5 areas] we find seniors over-paying for their life insurance:



2. Hepatitis C


3. Taking Heart Medications like Nitro


4. Increasing Payment Term Plans


5. Breast Cancer - 2 Years After Treatment


Final Expense Life Insurance

Final expenses include much more than merely the cost of a funeral. If we fail to plan for these costs, you can deplete an estate or worse yet, you can leave heirs unexpectedly owing thousands of dollars to settle their affairs. At the time of death, don’t we want their loved ones to remember them for the love and happiness shared with them in life, not for leaving behind a legacy of indebtedness and poor planning?

What does the term final expense really mean?

There is an easy way to understand the variety of final expenses that can be incurred. There's Death Care Funding, Estate Settlement Funding, and Legacy Funding. We will review each of these.

Death Care Funding

Death care funding provides for the expenses of the final memorial and burial. The loss of a loved one can be an emotional time for a family. Funeral arrangements are an opportunity for a family to make one last expression of devotion and respect for a departed loved one. The family desires to provide a memorial that appropriately reflects the life of the deceased. In the same context, a deceased would want a funeral that portrays at death an accurate portrait of his or her life.

In order to achieve this goal, there are many expenses that need to be paid. Expenses such as transportation of the remains, embalming or cremations services, the selection and cost of an appropriate casket, purchase of the cemetery lots, providing a marker or headstone, memorial service expenses (such as a minister, music and flowers), cost to publish an obituary, and travel and hotel costs for out-of-area family to attend the funeral. You may even be aware of some costs that we forgot to mention. The point is; we want to have the comfort of knowing the family will have the resources available to adequately cover these costs.

Estate Settlement Funding

Every person has an estate, whether to are millionaires, middle class or simply living month to month financially. It is a certainty there will be expenses involved to preserve and liquidate an estate. These expenses are the ones most overlooked in personal planning. It is important to understand that final expenses are not necessarily expenses that are incurred at or after death. There are many expenses that are incurred before death, but the payment must be made after, such as credit cards, medical bills, utilities and insurance. You have probably heard the old saying, “nothing is certain but death and taxes”. Even after death, your client’s estate may incur taxes, such as property tax, income tax and taxes and fees to transfer title or deed to certain properties.

Once your client passes away, their income sources such as pensions and social security will end or be greatly reduced for the surviving spouse. Where will your client’s loved ones find the money to pay these bills? In the weeks and months after and individual dies, there will be many other expenses necessary to preserve and maintain their estate while it is being sold, distributed or transferred. Some of the costs are travel for an out of area executor or family member to tend to their estate settlement. There are advertising costs for estate sales, banking fees, shipping costs, storage and disposal, attorney and accountant fees including preparation of the final income tax return and probate expenses.

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Almost every property owner incurs probate expense whether or not to have a will. One often overlooked expense is the cost of caring for a beloved family pet while a new home is found for this faithful friend. For many American families, their home is the largest single asset in their estate. However, when a homeowner dies, there are many expenses that continue as long as the estate continues to own it. An individual may have a spouse or other family member that will continue living in the home and the deceased would want to provide funds for repairs and improvements.

If the home is to be sold, there can be a variety of expenses such as repairs and cleaning, mortgage payments, utilities, taxes and insurance. Maintenance expenses such as lawn care, pest control, advertising and realtor fees. If we doubt such problems arise, look no further than the classified ads of their local newspaper to find the unfortunate results of an individual who failed to provide sufficient cash to fund these expenses. You will find words such as, forced sale, price reduced for quick sale, need cash fast or worst of all… facing foreclosure. A properly designed financial plan that adequately provides for these estate settlement expenses will make an estate more valuable and make the management and disposition of it easier on their family.

Legacy Funding

This final category, Legacy Funding, can be used to make a statement in death, about values and priorities in life! Perhaps an individual would like to leave one or more cash gifts to their children, grandchildren or other family members but don’t have the accumulated cash to do all they desire. Maybe an individual has a special institution such as their church, social club, charitable organization or foundation that they have supported through the years. Where will these people and organizations be forced to turn to replace the consistent donations we have made? Legacy gifts give us an opportunity to make a final lasting expression of love and commitment after death.

We’ve described three types of final expenses above. Will an individual incur all of them? Probably not, but most will incur some. This raises the question we must ask ourselves. How will our estate provide the funds for these expenses? Many times these expenses are not planned for in advance because any one of them may be easily absorbed from cash flow or accumulated assets. However, several of these expenses combined can create a significant financial burden on an individual’s estate.

Just as there are three categories of final expenses, there are three basic methods for providing funds to pay for them.


We can provide the funds from accumulated cash in the estate. That’s a great idea, however, many people do not have $30,000, $15,000 or even $5,000 of readily available cash on hand or quickly available. Even persons with significant estates may have their money invested in stocks, bonds, annuities, deposit accounts or property that can’t be quickly converted to cash without significant penalties. While individuals can start putting away funds today for the certain eventuality of their death, sadly, many will die prematurely before they have time to save enough money for their final expense needs.


We can leave the burden on loved ones to pay these costs out of their own pocket. Without question, this method of funding is the least desirable as it will put incredible strain on family finances and relationships as to try to decide how to divide the bills among themselves.


Is to fund final expenses with a quality Final Expense life insurance program, that is designed to cover those unexpected little expenses that add up to significant costs.
Most people recognize the importance of life insurance as a way to replace the income of a breadwinner who passes away unexpectedly, or to pay off a mortgage or other debt, but we may miss its value in funding final expenses. Final expense life insurance should be a permanent whole life insurance plan that offers benefits at death and does not expire after a period of time like term insurance. Final expense life insurance is an excellent way to create available cash for the expenses we have discussed while protecting the estate from unnecessary and unexpected losses, regardless whether an individual dies prematurely or after a long and meaningful life.

Final Expense Life Insurance

We provide a great line up of companies and a network of independent life insurance agents across the United States to give you local access to the best programs that you qualify for in your state. We see it as our jobs to ensure you get the most death benefits that you qualify for using the programs available in your state. Having access to several great carriers means that we will have the ability to place an individual with the best program they qualify for based on any medical impairment you may have.

We help seniors find final expense life insurance programs in their state with these guarantees:

These programs have the following guarantees

1. First Day Coverage. You are fully protected the very first day your coverage goes into effect with no exclusions and no waiting period.
2. Ease of issue. No physical exams.
3. Your premiums will never go up. Lock into a rate at your current age and the cost will never increase regardless of changes to your health and age.
4. You benefits will never go down. Regardless of changes to your health and age.
5. All programs build cash values.
6. The benefit is paid to your beneficiary tax free on the worst week of their life.
7. Your policy can never be cancelled as long as premium payments are made.
8. This is a protected asset that you will never be forced to liquidate.

Program Guarantees

Seniors looking for a state regulated final expense life insurance policy or a whole life burial plan often have medical impairments and conditions that may raise the cost of these benefits. We keep track of these medical impairments and conditions and contract with several carriers so we can find the most benefits for the amount of money that you spend. Here we will review what we might see as we field underwrite the COPD medical condition. We can help you find first day coverage at a standard rate.

3 Top Reasons why folks use these programs

1. Because they do not have a DEDICATED amount for their funeral or final expenses

2. Because they’ve recently checked the pricing on what they currently have in place.  They want to see if they can find more benefits than what they currently have.

3. Because they want to leave behind a legacy.  Income for a surving spouse, money for grandkids, or to charity (Cancer Society, Church, etc)

Start by contacting the insurance professionals at Life Policy Shopper and take advantage of our world class quote engine to receive a free and confidential quote. For more information about final expense Life Insurance, you can contact us through our website at your convenience.

We keep track of medical impairments and the carriers that accept them with first day coverage. From New York to California we have agents that know the programs available in your state where you can get the most death benefits that you qualify for. We keep track of each company’s application questions and underwriting methods in order to find the best company plan that accepts your particular medical impairment. No matter the medical condition you or a loved one may have, we have the best shot at finding you first day coverage with the most death benefits possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is final expense life insurance?

Final expense life insurance, also known as burial or funeral insurance, is a type of whole life insurance designed to cover the costs associated with end-of-life expenses, such as funeral services, burial, and other associated costs. The coverage typically offers a smaller benefit amount compared to traditional life insurance policies.

How does final expense insurance differ from traditional life insurance?

Unlike traditional life insurance policies that often provide larger coverage amounts intended to replace income or pay off large debts, final expense insurance provides a smaller benefit specifically aimed at covering the costs of a funeral and other final expenses. Additionally, it usually has simpler qualification requirements, often without a medical exam.

What are the typical costs covered by final expense insurance?

The proceeds from a final expense insurance policy can be used to pay for funeral services, cremation or burial costs, headstones, transportation, and other death-related expenses. Policyholders can sometimes allocate funds for unpaid medical bills or other debts as well.

Are there different types of final expense insurance policies?

Yes, final expense insurance policies can vary. Some policies may offer a level death benefit, where the payout remains constant over time, while others might provide a graded benefit, which increases or decreases over the policy period. Some insurers also offer policies that provide additional riders, like accelerated death benefits in case of terminal illness.

How do beneficiaries claim the death benefit?

Beneficiaries must submit a claim form and a certified copy of the death certificate to the insurance company. Once the claim is verified, the death benefit is typically paid out directly to the beneficiaries, who can then use the funds according to the deceased’s wishes or outstanding needs.

How much does final expense insurance cost?

Yes, final expense insurance policies can vary. Some policies may offer a level death benefit, where the payout remains constant over time, while others might provide a graded benefit, which increases or decreases over the policy period. Some insurers also offer policies that provide additional riders, like accelerated death benefits in case of terminal illness.

Terry Biddle is a business owner, blogger, retired Army National Guard officer and a current federal employee. He works with seniors, federal employees, and members of the military to get the most life insurance benefits at the greatest value across the full spectrum of term and permanent products from fully underwritten to no-exam and guaranteed issue. Please feel free to contact me here.

Last Updated on May 23, 2024 by lifepolicyshopper