incredible $11,000 final expense quotes

A Final Expense insurance policy can furnish an essential peace of mind for you and your loved ones. The memories and feelings that you leave your loved ones when you die are how you will be thought of when that moment eventually arrives. Why not leave behind a legacy of celebration and happiness instead of significant final expense costs and financial burdens.

End-of-life planning can really seem like a frustrating decision, but it is undoubtedly one that should really not be leftover as a strain for your surviving loved ones. The myriad of funeral costs builds up rather quickly and lacking final expense insurance, most surviving families have a difficult time to put together the money needed to cover these costs. This usually results in family and friends having to pitch in to come up with the $8,000 or $10,000 to cover a moderately priced funeral and burial.

Isn't there is already enough emotional stress to deal with in a time of loss? Financial stress can overwhelm those that are left to manage the funeral, burial and other end-of-life costs. Simply by thinking ahead about final expenses, you will be ready to display your support and love for your surviving loved ones when they could use it the most. Here we'll discuss $11,000 final expense insurance quotes.


What is Final Expense Life Insurance?


Final Expense Insurance is a whole life insurance policy designed to deal with all the expenses that are typically associated with your death. This can include unpaid medical expenses but is often focused on the expenses that go into funeral costs such as embalming or cremation, caskets and vaults, facilities charges, memorial services and transportation.

With your attention often focused on existing healthcare insurance costs, it's not unusual to neglect to arrange for end-of-life expenses. These expenses will not go away and shouldn't be put off until the last minute. Tie up loose ends in advance so that your loved ones don't have to deal with them after you pass away.

Most insurers who focus on final expense life insurance will have a traditional plan (level benefit with first-day coverage) that takes the applicant's medical history into consideration, and then an alternative "guaranteed issue" plan that does not consider the applicant's medical history. The guaranteed issue plans typically have a 2-year waiting period when the company will not pay the full death benefit if the insured dies from natural causes. Instead, they will pay the beneficiary the sum of the premiums paid plus an additional percentage.


Will I have to Qualify for Coverage?


Although there is usually never a medical exam required when you purchase final expense insurance, there are considerable health questions on the application and the company will rate your policy or even decline coverage based on your answers to these questions. The good news is that every company is not the same and Final Expense Shopper represents as many as possible of them as possible which enables us to match the right insurer for your particular circumstances.

We have found over time that the underwriting guidelines for insurance companies while appearing to be similar, in fact, they are not. Where Company A might refuse level benefit coverage (no waiting period) for one particular illness, there is a Company B who is willing to offer coverage, even with that very same illness. For this reason, Life Policy Shopper represents a multitude of final expense insurance companies as long as they are reputable and financially stable.


Here is a typical example:

John Simmons virtual applicant

John Simmons
John is looking for an $11,000 final expense insurance quote. He has COPD and is taking Albuterol as needed.

In John's case, he is suffering from COPD and has periods when he has difficulty breathing, especially when he exerts himself while exercising or walking uphill or stairways. Most companies will either table rate the policy or decline to offer traditional coverage. Since Life Policy Shopper has access to multiple companies, we can offer a level benefit policy with first-day coverage. Here are the $11,000 Final Expense Insurance Quotes we would offer John:

Applicant Age Male Non-Smoker Female Non-Smoker
50 $28.08 $24.85
55 $33.14 $28.46
60 $39.54 $33.53
65 $48.74 $40.49
70 $64.43 $53.44
75 $87.10 $72.05
80 $125.56 $102.02

As you can see from this rate chart, Life Policy Shopper represents the companies who are willing to offer level benefit policies that offer first-day coverage. When other agents have to go to the guaranteed issue market, we are able to find affordable final expense insurance for seniors, even when you may be suffering with COPD.

What if I'm Declined because of Other Illnesses


As mentioned previously, if your application is declined because of health issues, Life Policy Shopper will offer you a "guaranteed issue" policy from one of our carriers with the best rates. Although you will have a waiting period for death from natural causes before the full benefit becomes payable, you will have first-day coverage if your death is accidental.

Here are actual Guaranteed Issue $11,000 Final Expense Quotes:


guaranteed issue $11,000 final expense quotes

To get incredible $11,000 Final Expense Insurance Quotes, even if you are suffering from COPD or other serious illnesses, contact the insurance pros at Life Policy Shopper at (540) 226-8715 during normal business hours or contact us through our website and we'll get back to you shortly.


Terry Biddle is a business owner, blogger, retired Army National Guard officer and a current federal employee. He works with seniors, federal employees, and members of the military to get the most life insurance benefits at the greatest value across the full spectrum of term and permanent products from fully underwritten to no-exam and guaranteed issue. Please feel free to contact me here.



Last Updated on March 31, 2020 by lifepolicyshopper