Qualify For a Burial Plan With Diabetes

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Qualifying for life insurance with first day coverage at a reasonable rate isn't always an easy task. If there's a health problem in your medical history that raises red flags in the application process, you certainly want to enlist the help of an independent life insurance agent that has access to several different carriers and experience in dealing with the “knockout questions” on insurance carrier applications. These knock out questions apply to both medical conditions and prescription drugs.

Independent insurance brokers typically know which life insurance companies tend to offer the most competitively priced policies for applicants with certain medical conditions or risky lifestyles. For example, some insurers will offer better prices for people with heart disease or diabetes than other companies. Other life insurers are more lenient when it comes to cigar use or tobacco chewing. And still other companies will quote better rates for nonmedical risks such as aviation, scuba diving or foreign travel. Captive Agents, those agents that work for your neighborhood Agencies like State Farm, Farmers, and Progressive might simply decline the case and either recommend an independent agent that can find the right coverage or simply say, I’m sorry I can’t help try someone else.”

Let’s talk about finding a whole life insurance policy for an applicant with diabetes

First let’s review all the factors we might run into in dealing with a diabetes patient that is applying for a final expense policy in the Commonwealth of Virginia.



A chronic disease of metabolism distinguished by the body's inability to produce enough insulin, and/or a resistance to the insulin being made. Insulin is necessary for body cells to transport sugar into the cells and to process carbohydrates, fat, and protein efficiently. Patients with diabetes have too much glucose in their circulation causing damage to almost every organ in their body. There are three types of diabetes: Type 1 is usually found in younger patients and requires insulin, Type 2 develops later in life and is more commonly associated with obesity, and gestational diabetes is associated with pregnancy.


Increased urination, increased drinking of fluids, increased appetite, nausea, fatigue, blurry vision, numbness or tingling in the feet.


Type 1 diabetes requires supplemental insulin either as an injection or as an intermittent continuous infusion delivered from an insulin pump. The insulin doses required are dependent on glucose measurements performed during the day. Sometimes, type 2 diabetes can be controlled with weight loss, dietary discretion and exercise. Type 2 diabetes often requires oral hypoglycemic medications and may also require insulin


There are many different types of medications that treat diabetes. Ongoing research in the area of diabetes means that new medicines are often made available. People with Type 2 diabetes have two options when it comes to medication: they can either take pills (oral medications), or insulin injections. People with Type 1 diabetes must use insulin.

Those with gestational diabetes are usually prescribed oral medications first. If the oral medications are not adequate, they may require insulin injections.

Oral (by mouth) medications

Sulfonylureas: These medications stimulate the cells of the pancreas to secrete more insulin. They have been used to manage diabetes since the 1950s. These drugs can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugars). To help prevent hypoglycemia, it is recommended that they be taken before meals, usually either once or twice a day. These medicines are available generically and are therefore generally less expensive than some of other medication options. They should not be used with insulin.

Examples: glyburide (Micronase, Diabeta, Glynase), glipizide (Glucotrol, Glucotrol XL), glimepiride (Amaryl)

Meglitinides: These medications also stimulate the cells of the pancreas (similar to the
sulfonylureas). They are taken before meals. They can cause low blood sugars. They should not be used with insulin.

Examples: repaglinide (Prandin), nateglinide (Starlix)

Biguanides: These medications help lower blood glucose in two different ways. They decrease the amount of glucose that the liver produces and secretes into the body and they increase the sensitivity of the muscles to insulin, so that glucose can be more easily absorbed. Biguanides are usually taken once or twice a day. Common side effects include diarrhea and nausea. Taking the medicine with food can decrease side effects. In Type 2 diabetics, biguanides can be used with many other types of diabetes medicine, including insulin.

Example: metformin (Glucophage)

Thiazolidinediones: These medications lower blood glucose by lowering the amount of glucose produced by the liver, as well as decreasing the resistance to insulin in the muscles. They have an added benefit because they help improve cholesterol levels. They may increase the risk of hepatitis, so it is recommended to have liver enzymes checked regularly. They can also cause water retention (edema), and people with congestive heart failure should not use them. People with Type 2 diabetes can use thiazolidinediones with other types of therapy, including insulin.

Examples: pioglitazone (Actos), rosiglitazone (Avandia)

Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors: These medications help lower blood glucose by slowing down the breakdown of starches and some sugars in the digestive system. By doing so, they slow down the absorption of glucose, so that blood sugar doesn’t rise as quickly after a meal. These are taken at the first bite of a meal. Common side effects include gas and diarrhea. These are not recommended for people with renal disease.

Examples: acarbose (Precose), meglitol (Glyset)

DPP-4 inhibitors: These medications help lower glucose by preventing the breakdown of a naturally occurring compound in the body, GLP-1. GLP-1 helps lower glucose levels by increasing insulin production and promoting sensitivity to insulin. These medications are taken once a day. They have very few side effects, and can be used with other medications in Type 2 diabetics, including insulin.

Examples: sitalgliptin (Januvia), saxagliptin (Onglyza)

Aspirin: It is recommended that people with diabetes take an aspirin every day. Taking aspirin daily helps prevent heart disease. A “baby” aspirin (81mg) per day is sufficient.

Injectable medications

Incretin mimetics: This injectable medication acts by increasing insulin secretion. It doesn’t tend to cause low blood sugar like the sulfonylureas and the meglitinides. It is taken before meals twice a day. The most common side effects are nausea and/or diarrhea. Type 1 diabetics do not take incretin mimetics.

Examples: exenatide (Byetta), exenatide extended-release (Bydureon)

Synthetic amylin: This injectable drug works like a naturally occurring hormone, amylin. It helps to control glucose levels in a couple of ways. First, it slows the rate food moves from the stomach, which helps lower the rate that the glucose rises in the blood stream. Synthetic amylin also helps to make a diabetic feel full. As a result, people eat less food, which also decreases glucose amounts in the blood stream. The medication also lowers the amount of glucose that the liver produces. This injectable can be used to treat Type 2 diabetes. For Type 1 diabetics, the medication can be used in conjunction with insulin. It must be injected separately. The injections are given before large meals. The most common side effect is nausea. Also, it can cause hypoglycemia. Therefore, the usage of this medication in type 1 diabetics should be closely monitored by a medical provider.

Example: pramlintide (Symlin)

Insulin: Insulin usage can be very complicated and must be monitored very closely. The timing of insulin injections often corresponds to meals and/or time of day. Different forms of insulin vary in how they work in the body in a few ways:
Onset: How quickly the body can use them
Peak: When they are at their highest level
Duration: How long they will continue to work to lower blood glucose

Diabetics are often told they are uninsurable and that’s far from the truth when it comes to qualifying them for a final expense whole life plan. Here at Virginia Senior Benefits and Family Care we you can get you a preferred rate with diabetes even if with insulin use and often if they have had complications.

Here are four questions we will review with you during our consultation:

1. Age you were first diagnosed with diabetes?
2. Age you first used insulin?
3. How many units of insulin per day do you currently use?
4. Have you had any complications of diabetes?

Diabetes complications include neuropathy (nerve or circulatory problems), insulin shock, diabetic coma or vision problems.

These final expense programs have the following guarantees

Benefit Information For Virginia Citizens Only

You may qualify for a state-regulated program to pay for your final expenses. It is important you know how to qualify for this life insurance benefit available to you. This benefit will pay for 100% of all funeral expenses up to $35,000. This payment is tax free for Virginia residents. You are entitled to receive no-cost information as a resident of Virginia. IMPORTANT – Return this postage paid card within 5 days.

1. First Day Coverage. You are fully protected the very first day your coverage goes into effect with no exclusions and no waiting period.
2. Ease of issue. No physical exams.
3. Your premiums will never go up. Lock into a rate at your current age and the cost will never increase regardless of changes to your health and age.
4. You benefits will never go down. Regardless of changes to your health and age.
5. All programs build cash values.
6. The benefit is paid to your beneficiary tax free on the worst week of their life.
7. Your policy can never be cancelled as long as premium payments are made.
8. This is a protected asset that you will never be forced to liquidate.

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Last Updated on April 15, 2017 by lifepolicyshopper