Qualify For a Burial Plan With Multiple Sclerosis

Funeral costs continue to increase every day. Families are faced with the difficult task of saying goodbye to loved ones. Did you know that according to the National Funeral Directors’ Association - as of January 2013 the national median cost of an adult funeral with vault costs $8,343.00 with additional expenses? Additional expenses can include a cemetery plot. Many funerals exceed $10,000.00 dollars and that’s before any outstanding debts or medical bills.

Planning your funeral requires a careful consideration of all your final needs. Consider how you want to be remembered, where your final resting place should be, whether you wish to be buried or cremated and what type of casket or urn you prefer. A funeral director will give you a list of the services and products that it provides. The value of your final expense life insurance policy should cover the expense of the package you choose, plus any additional costs.

The most basic, economical option is generally an immediate burial plan. An immediate plan may include a modest service at the graveside and a simple casket. The expense of a viewing is not included in most immediate burial policies. The costs of the plot, a headstone and flowers must be paid for separately and should be included in the estimate of your final expense.

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A traditional full service option, including a viewing, a hearse, a formal ceremony and entombment and cremation is more costly than an immediate or direct package. When you consider the costs of a package, you must take every extra expense into account in order to arrive at an accurate estimate of your financial expenses.

Multiple Sclerosis


Mutiple sclerosis is a chronic, autoimmune, progressive, and irreversible disease characterized by the destruction of the lipid and protein layer, the myelin sheath that insulates and protects the axons of certain nerve cells. The demyelination process occurs at scattered sites throughout the central nervous system and results in progressive physical disability.
The onset of multiple sclerosis usually occurs during early adulthood and rarely after age 60. It occurs only slightly more frequently in women than in men. The disease is a common cause of chronic disability.


Symptoms vary widely among individuals because of the scattered sites of demyelination throughout the central nervous system. Symptoms may include sudden and transient motor and sensory disturbances, impaired or total loss of vision, muscle weakness, paralysis, incontinence, fatigue, balance problems, numbness, and mood swings. The initial onset of symptoms, and later relapses, may occur following acute infection, trauma, serum injections, pregnancy, or stress.
The symptoms usually come and go with no pattern or warning but are often triggered by a rise in body temperature. They may last hours or weeks. Most individuals have episodic patterns of attack and remissions throughout the disease.


Early treatment is essential and is directed at relieving symptoms and forestalling future attacks. There is no cure. Medications include interferon-beta products, which can reduce the number of exacerbations of the disease and slow the progression of physical disability, and in some cases corticosteroids, which are used for acute attacks. Symptomatic treatment, medical, rehabilitative, and psychological approaches are also needed.

Qualify For a Burial Plan With Multiple Sclerosis

If you have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and are looking for a small whole life policy, also called a burial plan there are carriers that offer a preferred rate. If you have been declined for coverage or offered a graded or return of premium plan – you and your family deserve more benefits for the dollar spent.

These final expense programs have the following guarantees

1. First Day Coverage. You are fully protected the very first day your coverage goes into effect with no exclusions and no waiting period.
2. Ease of issue. No physical exams.
3. Your premiums will never go up. Lock into a rate at your current age and the cost will never increase regardless of changes to your health and age.
4. You benefits will never go down. Regardless of changes to your health and age.
5. All programs build cash values.
6. The benefit is paid to your beneficiary tax free on the worst week of their life.
7. Your policy can never be cancelled as long as premium payments are made.
8. This is a protected asset that you will never be forced to liquidate.

Final Expense Life Insurance

A lot of people are still concerned of their spouse and families’ situation after they're gone. Savings in the bank or even their retirement funds are sometimes not adequate to cover the replacement earnings or expenses of their families after their passing.
For this trouble, there’s a potential solution - permanent insurance. A permanent insurance, also known as cash value insurance, is a form of insurance that lasts until the policy matures. A whole life insurance is a well-defined model as this insurance offers a permanent form of protection for a level premium with a cash value table, meaning to say that this insurance would require a level premium for life, and assures minimum cash value growth included in the policy.

Essentially under this insurance policy, the insured party would pay a regular premium to the insurance company, in exchange for a guarantee of specified proceeds payable to his or her spouse or the closest relative upon his or her death.

There are by and large two types of whole life insurances; the participating and non-participating insurance. In a participating insurance policy, the insurer will divvy up the surplus profits, known as dividend with the policyholder. And this profit amount is contingent on the success of the company’s performance each year.

On the other hand, non participating insurance policy would refer to the policy in which all the values related to the policy such as death benefits and the premiums are determined at the time of the policy issue, for the life of the whole insurance contract, and cannot be modified after that issuing.

This whole life insurance is nowadays a very popular trend, for there are so many companies offering this type of permanent insurance policy on the Internet. Just like a normal whole life insurance policy, an online policy would also cover the insured party at a fixed rate and a permanent premium.
Naturally it appears more costly than term insurance policies, but unlike term policies, which do not have a cash value account, this whole life insurance has a savings account for the insured party, which can be accessed at any necessary time if called for.

In short, this whole life insurance has a great benefit and is very valuable nowadays, particularly with high living costs. This insurance essentially allows for a guaranteed death benefit and guaranteed cash values. It's essential for anyone who has a family depending on them, and to at least cover their funeral costs, debts, and to replace the lost income.

Last Updated on April 20, 2017 by lifepolicyshopper