Qualify For a Burial Plan With Schizophrenia

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You may qualify for a state-regulated program to pay for your final expenses. It is important you know how to qualify for this life insurance benefit available to you.  This benefit will pay for 100% of all funeral expenses up to $35,000.  This payment is tax free for Virginia residents.  You are entitled to receive no-cost information as a resident of Virginia.  IMPORTANT – Return this postage paid card within 5 days.

Benefit Information For Virginia Citizens Only

You or one of your senior parents may have received one of these post cards in the mail. It’s not a scam.  It may have come from one of many outreach programs that I use to reach senior citizens here in the Commonwealth of Virginia that need state regulated final expense life insurance programs and burial plans.

Many seniors that receive these cards do not have a dedicated amount of money that can be used to pay for their funeral or final expenses. It’s possible they’ve recently checked into the pricing on what they currently have and want to see if they can find more benefits than what they currently have in place. Or they might want to leave behind a legacy like income for a surviving spouse, money for grandkids, or to a charitable organization or church.

If you are currently undergoing treatment for cirrhosis you may qualify for a life insurance policy with the following guarantees:

These programs have the following guarantees

1. First Day Coverage. You are fully protected the very first day your coverage goes into effect with no exclusions and no waiting period.
2. Ease of issue. No physical exams.
3. Your premiums will never go up. Lock into a rate at your current age and the cost will never increase regardless of changes to your health and age.
4. You benefits will never go down. Regardless of changes to your health and age.
5. All programs build cash values.
6. The benefit is paid to your beneficiary tax free on the worst week of their life.
7. Your policy can never be cancelled as long as premium payments are made.
8. This is a protected asset that you will never be forced to liquidate.



Schizophrenia is an altered sensory perception disorder with physical and psychological changes that affect brain functioning, behavior patterns, and all five senses. In the United States, approximately 2.4 million adults have schizophrenia. It is the most chronic and disabling of the severe mental illnesses. People with schizophrenia often experience frightening symptoms, such as hearing internal voices (hallucinations) or believing that others are controlling their thoughts or plotting to harm them (delusions).

Schizophrenia generally is diagnosed during adolescence or in the early 20s or 30s. A “first break” is described as those who experience a hallucination and/or delusion at the initial onset of schizophrenia. Overall, men and women are affected with equal frequency; however, schizophrenia appears at an earlier age in men than women. It is rarely diagnosed in children. The five types of schizophrenia are as follows:

Paranoid – Persons have persecutory or grandiose delusions, often organized around a theme, or auditory hallucinations that generally re related to the delusional theme. They have intense interpersonal relationships and express a superior and often patronizing manner.

Disorganized – Persons generally have disorganized thoughts or behaviors, confusion, and a flat affect. They show an inability to perform daily tasks, and they exhibit other odd behaviors.

Catatonic – Persons generally have extreme negativism, mutism (not speaking), and excessive motor activity that does not make sense or have purpose and is not necessarily influenced by any external stimuli. They experience echolalia, which is a pathological, senseless repetition of a word or phrase just spoken; it is a parrot-like repetition. During some periods, this person will need close supervision because he or she can harm himself or herself or others.

Undifferentiated – Persons will show pronounced delusion, disorganized thought processes and behavior, and hallucinations.

Residual – Persons exhibit at least one episode of schizophrenia, but the course of the disorder may be time limited or it can present continuously for many years. Usually there is the absence of hallucinations or delusions.

Schizoaffective – Persons may not exhibit all the symptoms of schizophrenia and mood disorders, but are psychotic with or without a mood component.


Two or more of the following signs and symptoms must be present for at least 1 month, allowing for a significant amount of time for the diagnosis of schizophrenia to be made. The signs and symptoms are classified as both positive, those that are excessive or distortions of normal functions, and negative, those that reflect a loss of or decrease in normal functions. Positive symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized speech; negative symptoms include flat affect, alogia (inability to speak owing to a mental condition or symptoms of dementia), attention deficit, and avolition (decreased motivation).


Treatment includes psychotropic medications, psychotherapy, and counseling. Newer medications, called atypical antipsychotics, are effective in the treatment of psychosis, including hallucinations and delusions. Medication levels and dosages must be carefully monitored every 3 to 4 weeks. Long-term psychotherapy may be needed. Counseling focuses on establishing therapeutic relationships and educating clients on their disorder as well as on how they cope. Stress and crisis management is essential, as is social skill development. Persons may identify an agent (trusted person) to act on their half when they decompensate (failure or inability to act approximately in acute episodes of mental illness) or are hospitalized.

An advanced directive may be formed with the client and caregivers so that clients, while at a maximum level of psychological health and will-being, can have a say in their course of treatment. Such directives are individual care plans for people with schizophrenia and are an effective way to not only involve clients in self-care but also provide the motivation for clients to continue with their care plan. In the treatment of persons with schizophrenia, it is imperative that there is collaboration between medical and mental health practitioners. All health practitioners must focus on clients’ rights while providing care that addresses the clients’ diverse communities and lifestyles.

Finding a Policy at the Best Value

If you have a family member that has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and looking for a small whole life policy also called a burial policy or burial plan there are carriers that offer a level rate - depending on the medications prescribed treatment plan.

If you have a family member being treated for schizophrenia and that family member has been declined for a life insurance policy or a burial plan you should contact us at LifePolicyShopper.com. We work with a carrier that offers first day coverage at a level rate for those being treated for schizophrenia. If your family member is on a guaranteed issue plan we can most certainly save you money on a monthly basis and get you first day coverage.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance, also known as “cash-value” insurance is a basic and consistent type of permanent life insurance which remains in effect your entire life at a level premium. This life insurance is a good choice got you if you do not expect your life insurance needs to diminish over time. A portion of your premium goes into a reserve fund called ‘cash value’ that builds up over the years your policy is in affect. Your reserve fund is tax-deferred and you can borrow against it, until you withdraw it.

The premiums must generally remain constant over the life of the policy and must be paid periodically according to the amount indicated in the policy. You may also have the option of a single premium -- paying all of the premiums at once with a single lump sum. Your cash values will grow to equal the amount of the death benefit when you turn to age 100.

Although, whole life insurance is very expensive, and if you're on a limited budget, you may not be able to afford all the insurance coverage you actually need. But the plus point is that the death benefit is guaranteed as long as premiums are met. Also death benefit will never decrease if you don't borrow against it.

Whole life insurance policy's returns will fluctuate with the markets and will usually follow returns available from other investments like equity mutual funds. However, if you decide to quit your policy, your cash value can be paid in cash or paid-up insurance.

Whole life insurance is most suitable for you, if you want to:

• Use it as a tax and estate planning vehicle
• Accumulate cash value for a child's education or retirement
• Pay final expenses
• Provide money for a favorite charity
• Fund a business buy/sell agreement
• Provide key person protection

Before buying the whole life insurance, you need to think carefully about choosing your level of
coverage. Too often people make the mistake of insufficiently covering or even worse, financially overextending themselves. This would be a tragic error with whole life insurance policy because defaulting on premium payments can mean policy cancellation and the loss of your entire investment. So be careful and make sure you:

• Pick a life insurance policy that has a guaranteed cash value starting at the very first year
• Choose the one with the highest cash value in the very first year
• Consider "participating" insurance policies which can pay dividends, increasing your policy's value by boosting both the total cash value and the death benefits
• Beware of any insurance policy that levies "surrender charges" when you cancel
• If you ever need to stop paying premiums, your policy lets you use the accumulated cash value of the life insurance policy to pay the premiums, thus keeping your coverage current

Last Updated on April 15, 2017 by lifepolicyshopper