Worry Free Life Insurance with COPD taking Atrovent

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease that negatively impacts a person’s capacity to breathe. Most individuals with COPD have been diagnosed with emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma or chronic bronchiolitis. People who smoke face the biggest risk of getting COPD along with individuals who are subjected to gases and fumes in their work environments, to air pollution, to second-hand cigarette smoke or to cooking with gas in an improperly ventilated room.

About 5% of the population is suffering from COPD, and 15%-20% of long-term tobacco smokers will develop this condition. Most COPD patients develop coughs, wheezing or intolerance to any exercise, or suffer from prolonged periods of shortness of breath. Most sufferers are older people and were previous or are existing tobacco smokers. The seriousness of COPD is categorized into four categories, and life insurers will use this rating, and a number of other factors, to establish your insurability and your rates.

Learning about COPD

People with COPD are coping with a long-term disease process. Airway irritation and inflammation which is caused by chronic bronchitis can be controlled with medications; however, the damage to lung tissue from emphysema is irreversible. Tobacco smokers who give up the habit after being diagnosed can slow the development of this disease.


There are various procedures to diagnose COPD. Individuals can be assessed using chest x-rays and scans or with blood tests, but the ideal indicator is achieved with a series of Pulmonary Function Tests (PFT). The PFT measures how much air your lungs can handle, how rapidly you can move air in and out of your lungs, and how effectively your lungs add oxygen and then remove carbon dioxide from the blood stream.

These assessments can be utilized to help identify the cause of a person's breathing issues and distinguishes those at high risk for developing lung disorder. They also assess the lung performance of a patient who has lung disease and oversee the efficiency of treatment. These tests are carried out before any surgery to ascertain an individual's ability to breathe or can be utilized to oversee the lung function of an individual who is continuously exposed to substances that can injure the lungs. PFT evaluates the following lung values:

• Tidal Volume (VT): VT measures the amount of air a patient can inhale during a normal breath.
• Vital Capacity (VC): Vital capacity measures the maximum amount of air a patient can exhale after inhaling as deeply as possible.
• Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV) This test measures the amount of air a patient can exhale forcefully in a sustained breath over a period of one second (FEV1), two seconds (FEV2), and three seconds (FEV3). The amount of air exhaled during the test is referred to as Forced Vital Capacity (FVC).

Classification and Treatment of COPD

Finding Worry Free Life Insurance with COPD taking Atrovent does not have to be stressful.

COPD is classified in four different stages where the latter is more severe than the former.

Mild: Individuals with a mild chronic cough or who suffer shortness of breath after moderate exercise are suffering from mild COPD. PFT tests may be close to normal levels, and x-ray irregularities are typically not observed, however, the patient might have a greater tendency to have respiratory problems. There is no common treatment at this stage of the disease.

Moderate: people who exhibit increased coughing and shortness of breath during mild physical effort are categorized with moderate COPD. PFTs indicate diminished levels of lung performance and x-ray tests of the chest commonly show abnormalities. Inhalers, used on occasion, help out with symptom management.

Severe: people who suffer shortness of breath during the course of daily routines of living or during very little exertion are coping with severe COPD. A pronounced reduction in pulmonary function is apparent on their PFTs. Chest x-ray and chest irregularities are commonly present. Medication includes inhalers, steroids and various other medications to control symptoms.

Extreme: people with extreme COPD are usually disabled and unable to complete activities of day-to-day living. Because of shortness of breath that takes place while at rest or during very little physical effort, these patients are usually homebound and will require oxygen assistance. PFTs reveal significantly diminished pulmonary function and x-ray, and chest irregularities are quite evident. Treatment consists of rest at home, various drugs, and oxygen.

Atrovent HFA

Atrovent HFA (Ipratropium Bromide Aerosol) is in the class of medications known as bronchodilators. The medication is used to treat spasms in the lungs that are associated with COPD, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It works by relaxing and opening the airways so the patient can breathe easier.

Atrovent is not a fast-acting medication and will not replace a rescue inhaler that delivers immediate relief. Atrovent must be used on a daily basis to be an effective treatment. Similar to other bronchodilators, Atrovent can cause various side effects:

 A persistent headache and dizziness
 Hoarseness, dry mouth, and persistent cough
 Sinus pain and stuffy nose
 Back pain
 Body aches and other flu-like symptoms
 Difficulty urinating or pain when urinating
 Heartburn and nausea

How You May be Affected finding Worry Free Life Insurance with COPD taking Atrovent

Patients with mild COPD are unlikely to be prescribed a bronchodilator like Atrovent. In fact, many patients with mild COPD are not prescribed any medication except for a rescue inhaler.
If your doctor has prescribed Atrovent for your COPD, you can expect your insurance classification to be substandard with higher than normal rates. Your underwriter will ask several additional questions with your application:

o Why did your doctor prescribe Atrovent and when did he or she prescribe it?
o Are you taking any other medications or using a rescue inhaler?
o How many times per day on average do you use your rescue inhaler?
o Have you smoked in the last 12 months and how much do you smoke?
o Have you been hospitalized or had to visit the ER because of your COPD?
o Are you able to work?
o Have you applied for or received disability benefits?

Check out our article on Worry Free Life Insurance with COPD taking Symbicort

Your Likely Outcome

Since your doctor has prescribed Atrovent HFA, it's likely that your COPD is Moderate or even more severe. Because of the stage, you are in, it is likely that if traditional life insurance is offered, you will be assigned a table resulting in higher rates than a person with COPD in the Mild stage.

If, after your underwriting results have been reviewed, your company declines to offer you coverage, do not despair. The insurance professionals at Life Policy Shopper are experts at placing high-risk insurance cases and will be happy to locate an insurance company that can offer a solution.

These programs have the following guarantees

1. First Day Coverage. You are fully protected the very first day your coverage goes into effect with no exclusions and no waiting period.
2. Ease of issue. No physical exams.
3. Your premiums will never go up. Lock into a rate at your current age and the cost will never increase regardless of changes to your health and age.
4. You benefits will never go down. Regardless of changes to your health and age.
5. All programs build cash values.
6. The benefit is paid to your beneficiary tax free on the worst week of their life.
7. Your policy can never be cancelled as long as premium payments are made.
8. This is a protected asset that you will never be forced to liquidate.

Program Guarantees

Seniors looking for a state regulated final expense life insurance policy or a whole life burial plan often have medical impairments and conditions that may raise the cost of these benefits. We keep track of these medical impairments and conditions and contract with several carriers so we can find the most benefits for the amount of money that you spend. Here we will review what we might see as we field underwrite the COPD medical condition. We can help you find first day coverage at a standard rate.

3 Top Reasons why folks use these programs

1. Because they do not have a DEDICATED amount for their funeral or final expenses

2. Because they’ve recently checked the pricing on what they currently have in place.  They want to see if they can find more benefits than what they currently have. 

3. Because they want to leave behind a legacy.  Income for a surving spouse, money for grandkids, or to charity (Cancer Society, Church, etc)

For more information about purchasing life insurance with COPD and taking Atrovent, use our world class quote engine to receive a free and confidential quote, or you can contact the insurance professionals at Life Policy Shopper through our website at your convenience.

Last Updated on August 15, 2017 by lifepolicyshopper