Burial Insurance with COPD Taking Albuterol

Every day families are faced with the difficult task of saying goodbye to loved ones. Did you know that according to the National Funeral Directors’ Association - as of January 2018 the national median cost of an adult funeral with vault costs $8,343.00 with additional expenses? Additional expenses can include a cemetery plot. Many funerals exceed $10,000.00 dollars and that’s before any outstanding debts or medical bills.

There is simply no better way to prevent passing these final expenses and burial costs on to your surviving loved ones than purchasing affordable burial insurance from a highly-rated life insurance company.

These programs have the following guarantees

1. First Day Coverage. You are fully protected the very first day your coverage goes into effect with no exclusions and no waiting period.
2. Ease of issue. No physical exams.
3. Your premiums will never go up. Lock into a rate at your current age and the cost will never increase regardless of changes to your health and age.
4. Your benefits will never go down. Regardless of changes to your health and age.
5. All programs build cash values.
6. The benefit is paid to your beneficiary tax free on the worst week of their life.
7. Your policy can never be cancelled as long as premium payments are made.
8. This is a protected asset that you will never be forced to liquidate.

Program Guarantees


3 Top Reasons why folks use these programs

1. Because they do not have a DEDICATED amount for their funeral or final expenses

2. Because they’ve recently checked the pricing on what they currently have in place.  They want to see if they can find more benefits than what they currently have.

3. Because they want to leave behind a legacy.  Income for a surviving spouse, money for grandkids, or to charity (Cancer Society, Church, etc)


Burial Insurance with COPD Taking Albuterol


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a functional diagnosis given to any pathological process that decreases the ability of the lungs and bronchi to perform their function of ventilation. It is an umbrella term that includes pulmonary emphysema and chronic bronchitis. COPD affects 12 million Americans, and it is estimated that 12 million more are undiagnosed. It is a common cause of death and disability in the United States.
The primary cause is smoking although not all patients who smoke get COPD. The extent of disease and symptoms experienced can vary widely.

Pulmonary Emphysema

Pulmonary emphysema is the permanent enlargement of the air spaces beyond the terminal bronchioles resulting from destruction of alveolar walls. As a consequence of this destruction, the lungs slowly lose their normal elasticity. Air reaches the alveoli in the lungs during inhalation but may not be able to escape during exhalation. Evidence suggests that some forms of the emphysema may be hereditary. In rare instances, emphysema is associated with a deficiency of a protein that plays a role in maintaining lung elasticity.

Chronic Bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchial mucous membranes causing the lining to thicken and produce a chronically productive cough. It is characterized by hypertrophy and hyperplasia of bronchial mucous glands, damage to the microscopic hair-like extensions of cells lining the interior of the bronchi (bronchial cilia), and narrowing of the bronchial airways. The passageways become clogged with mucus.


COPD tends to develop insidiously, so no symptoms may be present initially until lung damage has already occurred. Later, a person may tire easily while exercising or doing strenuous work. The chest tightens and dyspnea on minimal exertion then develops. Chronic cough, chest tightness, and increased mucus production are exhibited.

A chronic cough with sputum production is the classic symptom of chronic bronchitis. A client with chronic bronchitis may have only a minimal increase resistance. As the disease progresses, the increase in airway in airway resistance becomes greater. Weight gain due to edema and cyanosis, tachypnea, and wheezing may also be evident.

A characteristic “barrel chest” is often seen in pulmonary emphysema. The appearance of the barrel chest is the result of lungs chronically over inflated with air causing the rib cage to stay partially expanded.

Two identifiers common in COPD are “blue bloater” and “pink puffer”. A blue bloater describes person with chronic bronchitis whose body responds to the increased obstruction by decreasing ventilation and increasing cardiac output. This leads to hypoxemia (oxygen deficiency in the blood) and polycythemia (excessive red bood cells). Together with retention of carbon dioxide, individuals show signs of cardiac failure and are described as blue bloaters.

A pink puffer describes a person with emphysema who has the decreased inability to oxygenate the blood. The body compensates with lower cardiac output and hyperventilation, causing a reddish complexion and a “puffing” appearance when breathing.


Treatment is aimed at preventing symptoms, and preventing complications. Persons diagnosed with COPD should be advised not to smoke. Broncho-dilators may be used to open the air passages in the lungs, inhaled corticosteroid medications can reduce airway inflammation and help make breathing easier, and antibiotics may be prescribed in the event of respiratory infections.

Administration of oxygen may eventually be necessary. Diuretics may be required. Surgery is an option for some. Lung volume reduction surgery removes small wedges of damaged ling tissue, creating extra space in the chest cavity. A single lung transplant may work for certain people with severe emphysema. Either surgery, however, may may not prolong life and has a number of complicated risks.

Comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation may be able to improve quality of life. The combination of education, exercise, nutrition, and counseling likely comes from physical therapists, respiratory therapists, physical fitness specialists, and dietitians who create a program for individual client needs.


In this article we will discuss final expense life insurance considerations for someone with COPD taking albuterol.


Albuterol can quickly relieve shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness. It's in a class of drugs known as bronchodilators, which work by relaxing and opening air passages to the lungs.
Albuterol is used to prevent and treat wheezing, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, and coughing caused by lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD; a group of diseases that affect the lungs and airways). Albuterol is in a class of medications called bronchodilators. It works by relaxing and opening the air passages to the lungs to make breathing easier.

This medication does not present a problem when looking at getting approved for a life insurance policy with the carriers we use when placing someone with COPD and taking Albuterol.

If you’ve been diagnosed with COPD and looking for a final expense life insurance policy, we use three (3) companies that take COPD with first day coverage.

What questions will I see about COPD on life insurance applications?


I will list out the questions that are on the applications for companies that I use to help get someone a life insurance policy with COPD.  All of these companies issue policies to those with COPD at the standard rate.  Since I shouldn’t use the company name I’ll just list company A, B and C. 

Company A

For this company the agent checks yes to all questions in this section of the application that apply.  Any questions marked yes in this section makes the application a standard rated application.  The unique thing about this company are the combinations of medical conditions that can exist before the application is bumped to a modified rating.

Have you ever been diagnosed, treated, tested positive for, or been given medical advice by a member of the medical professional for:

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, emphysema, peripheral vascular disease or peripheral artery disease?
  • Chronic hepatitis, hepatitis C, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic pancreatitis, liver disease or kidney disease?
  • Insulin use before age 25?
  • Irregular heartbeat, atrial fibrillation, systemic lupus (SLE), epileptic seizures, Parkinson’s disease?

Company B

For this company there is a section with 5 questions on the application that sorts out medical conditions for the standard rating and limits yes answers to two, before triggering a modified application rating.  Here are the questions:

1) Within the past 3 years has the proposed insured:

a) Experienced or been treated by a licensed member of the medical profession, for heart attack, angina (chest pain), stroke (CVA),transient ischemic attack (TIA), aneurysm, vascular, circulatory or blood disorder, had or been advised to have heart surgery of any kind, including bypass, angioplasty, stent implant or pacemaker implant or atrial fibrillation?

b) Taken insulin shots or by a licensed member of the medical profession, been diagnosed with, treated for, or advised to receive treatment for chronic pancreatitis, hepatitis B or C or other liver disease, or experienced more than 12 seizures?

c) Used illegal drugs or by a licensed member of the medical profession, been diagnosed with, been treated for, or been advised to receive treatment for alcohol or drug abuse?

2) Within the past 4 years has the proposed insured, by a licensed member of the medical profession, been diagnosed with, been treated for, or been advised to receive treatment for kidney disease, not including kidney stones?

3) By a licensed member of the medical profession, has the proposed insured EVER been diagnosed with, been treated for, or been advised to receive treatment for Parkinson’s disease, systemic lupus, multiple sclerosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including emphysema, chronic asthma other than rare inhaler use, black lung or other chronic respiratory disease?

Company C

This company sorts out COPD on their application in this section.  In this section if one question is checked yes, the application would be rated at a standard risk.  If more than one question is checked the application would be rated modified.  This company doesn’t allow multiple risks but it is a company that comes in handy to help people looking for life insurance with COPD.

1) Within the past 2 years has the proposed insured:

a) Had, been diagnosed with, been treated for or advised to receive treatment for angina (chest pain) aneurysm; vascular, circulatory or blood disorder, heart surgery of any kind including bypass surgery, angioplasty, stent implant or pacemaker implant; or irregular heart rhythm such as atrial fibrillation?

b) Had a heart attack, stroke (cerebral vascular accident) or transient ischemic attack (TIA)?

c) Had more than 12 seizures; used insulin; or had, been diagnosed with, been treated for or advised to receive treatment for congestive heart failure, cirrhosis, hepatitis B or C or other liver disease?

d) Used illegal drugs or been diagnosed with, been treated for or been advised to receive treatment for alcoholism, alcohol use/abuse, (including prescription drugs)?

2) Within the past 4 years has the proposed insured had, been diagnosed with, been treated for or advised to receive treatment for kidney disease?

3) Has the proposed insured ever been diagnosed with, been treated for or advised to receive treatment for Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) including emphysema, chronic asthma, black lung or other chronic respiratory disease?

I just took you through this section to show you that I have 3 companies that take people with COPD and offer them first day affordable life insurance coverage.  It’s best to give me a call to run through this information and confirm any medications.  Use this information only as a guide to give you an idea on finding affordable burial and final expense life insurance.

 Let us help you find the lowest rate possible when shopping for life insurance with COPD. Get an online quote using our world class quote engine and begin your online research today.

Terry Biddle is a business owner, blogger, retired Army National Guard officer, and a current federal employee. He works with seniors, federal employees, and members of the military to get the most life insurance benefits at the greatest value across the full spectrum of term and permanent products from fully underwritten to no-exam and guaranteed issue. Please feel free to contact Terry here.

Last Updated on May 29, 2020 by lifepolicyshopper